DASH Diet Might be Effective In Preventing Heart Failure Led By Hypertension

Although the DASH diet is quite simple to follow, people should not stop their hypertension or heart disease medications.

Although the DASH diet is quite simple to follow, people should not stop their hypertension or heart disease medications.

The DASH diet, which is also called the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, is considered to be highly effective in managing high blood pressure. A new study shows that the DASH diet might be potent enough to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart failure in adults in the age range of 75 years and below.

DASH diet firmly recommends against intake of processed and packaged foods

DASH diet consists of low-fat dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meat, whole grains, nuts, fish poultry, and foods that are high in micronutrients. Furthermore, it recommends restricting daily sodium intake to 1500 mg. The DASH diet firmly recommends against the intake of processed and packaged foods and cured meats as well.

Experts suggest that people who follow the DASH diet should opt for condiments and foods that are low in sodium or have zero sodium content. Foods that are pickled, smoked, or cured should be avoided. Eating whole grains like popcorn, oatmeal, brown rice, cereals, and whole wheat bread provide sufficient fibre. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, fibre, and minerals and have low calories, which help in reducing blood pressure.

Fruits contain heart-healthy vitamins potassium, magnesium, and fibre that help lower blood pressure. Nuts, seeds, and legumes have a high content of protein, magnesium, and fibre. A study shows that the DASH diet can essentially reduce the risk of heart failure by 50 per cent. The findings highlight that the DASH diet is more effective in preventing heart failure than medications.

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The DASH diet also helps people manage their weight and maintain a healthy body mass index. Experts say that the DASH diet can be recommended to people who have a family history of high blood pressure or those who are at a greater risk of developing hypertension. It can help manage other health conditions as well such as gout, kidney disease, and cognition-related ailments like Alzheimer’s Disease.

Although the DASH diet is quite simple to follow, people should not stop their hypertension or heart disease medications. People should consult their healthcare providers before following the DASH diet.

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