Doctors At Apollo Spectra Bangalore Enable Hearing For A One-Year-Old

In a rare but successful surgery, the expert team of surgeons at Apollo Spectra Hospitals Bangalore led by Dr. Sampath Chandra Prasad Rao and team performed a bilateral cochlear implant for a one-year-old child. The child was born with an inability to hear and speak and in a very unique procedure, the doctors at the hospital planted the device in both the ears of the patient.

The latest in the technology CI 632 was implanted into the ear and switch on was performed 4 weeks after the surgery using Kanso 2. The child experienced sound for the first time after the device was switched on which was an emotional moment for parents and others who witnessed the same.

The cochlear implant is a small device that uses electricity to stimulate the nerve and enable hearing. It takes its name from the cochlear nerve (the nerve for hearing). The outward part of the device is placed behind the ear, while the internal part is implanted behind the ear.

The child was born with congenital bilateral severe to profound hearing loss. The parents started to consult the Doctors at the hospital ever since they noticed the lack of response to even loud sounds at 8 months of age and after a detailed assessment, the surgery was suggested. The surgery lasted over 8 hours and included extensive steps like an extended round window approach along with facial nerve monitoring. On Friday, the implant was switched on for the first time Friday at the hospital in the presence of the parents and everyone witnessed a miraculous moment.

Surgery specialty hospital is well known for performing high-end Cochlear Implants, Bone Anchored Hearing Implants, Osia, Middle ear implants along with cutting edge skull base surgeries, ENT surgeries and, Head and Neck onco- surgeries. Dr. Sampath Chandra Prasad Rao leads a distinguished team of highly qualified surgeons including Dr. Ganga and Dr. Sunena along with a team of Audiologists. This hospital is one of the few that perform such procedures.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Sampath Chanda Prasad Rao said “We are overjoyed with the successful procedure, and it was particularly special when we witnessed the child react to sound for the first time. At Apollo Spectra Bangalore, we are constantly striving to improve and provide our patients with the best possible care. It is our constant endeavour to perform innovative and one-of-a-kind procedures that can bring a ray of hope into the lives of patients. ”


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