The monsoon season is here and therefore it is imperative to take necessary precautions to bolster our health during the season. When it comes to the respiratory system, people are more susceptible to infections, and considering the ongoing pandemic it important to build our immunity and take good care of respiratory health.
According to Dr. Pankaj Chhabra – Consultant Pulmonologist, Metro Heart Institute, Faridabad – patients with pre-existing respiratory disease such as asthma are more prone to have worsening of symptoms during the rainy season
“Maintenance of proper hygiene, good compliance with medicines, and proper vaccination can safeguard the patients from the complications of respiratory infections in upcoming monsoon season,” Dr Chhabra said.
Taking suitable precautions is the best way to avoid monsoon-related ailments and follow these easy steps to strengthen your respiratory health.
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within the home and in enclosed spaces. Bacteria that are present in our homes become the invisible enemy and therefore it is important to ensure good ventilation at home. The monsoon season may cause musty or damp odour, so keep windows open frequently as the airflow will freshen up the home.
- Steam Inhalation is a widely used home remedy for better respiratory health. It soothes seasonal flu symptoms during this weather transition. Adding some traditional kitchen ingredients like caraway or ajwain seed and mint can make it more effective.
- Yoga can be great for respiratory health. Just sit in a straight posture in a properly ventilated place for five minutes. Inhale through your nose and then exhale slowly from your mouth.
- Drink water as staying hydrated is very important in this weather. It is better to drink warm fluids like turmeric milk. The antimicrobial property of turmeric helps fight against viral infections and provides quick relief from lung congestion and infection.