How To Stay Healthy And Build Your Immunity To Avoid Flu

Dr. Gowri Kulkarni, Head of Medical Operations, MediBuddy-DocsApp

It is your immune system’s duty to protect your body against potentially harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses and limit damage from noninfectious agents.

While bolstering your immunity is easier said than done, several dietary and lifestyle changes may strengthen your immune system.

Here are 7 ways to build a strong immune system

  1. Say yes to a healthy diet: Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, are loaded with nutrients that we need to keep our immune systems in top health. You may also spice up your cooking with some turmeric, ginger & garlic. Turmeric gives curries a distinct flavor and mustard its color also has anti-inflammatory properties, and there is increasing evidence that it helps prevent illness, too. Raw garlic contains antimicrobial and cancer-fighting agents, and ginger has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat nausea, colds, and flu symptoms.

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  1. Say Goodbye to Stress: While the physical effects of stress are still being studied by scientists, studies have so far proven that chronic stress can lead to a variety of negative effects on physical and emotional well-being, including a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing practices like meditation, massage, and even music can help us relax and improve our immune function. Meditation is a simple yet effective way to reduce stress.
  2. Get some sun: Spending some time in natural light is one of the keyways our bodies produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a role in helping our immune systems produce antibodies; low levels of vitamin D, on the other hand, have been correlated with a higher risk of respiratory infection.
  3. Move, Move, Move! Healthy body: smoothly functioning immune system. Regular exercise contributes to our overall health in numerous ways. Regular moderate exercise may reduce inflammation, reduce stress, release endorphins, and help your immune cells regenerate regularly.
  4. Don’t compromise on your sleep: Your body heals and regenerates while you sleep, making adequate sleep critical for a healthy immune response. When we get seven to nine hours of deep, restorative sleep, our white blood cells regroup to prepare for the next day.

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  1. Wash your hands: Most people do not wash their hands correctly, especially the areas around their fingernails, between fingers, and the backs of their hands. Viruses can survive for some time outside the human body, which means you can get sick from shaking a sick person’s hand or touching high traffic surfaces like a doorknob or fridge door and then touching your face. Hand washing is one of the best strategies you can use to avoid getting sick. It should take you at least 20 seconds to wash your hands. Make sure to use warm water and soap and wash your hands after visiting the toilet, and before and after eating. Also, make sure to dry your hands thoroughly.
  2. Avoid stimulants: You can strengthen your immune system by avoiding stimulants such as energy drinks, excessively caffeinated sodas, and nicotine. Smoking can depress your immune system by suppressing the antibodies created by your body to fight cold and flu viruses. Drinking more than the recommended daily limit of alcohol can lead to weight gain, which is taxing on your immunity.
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