Know The Causes And Ways To Deal With Prolonged Labour

Pregnancy comes with a lot of joy and celebrations but sometimes it can be full of complications. Prolonged labour is one of the complications that many women have to face

Usually, the labour lasts for approximately 20 hours or more if you are a first-time mother and 14 hours or more if you have previously given birth. Prolonged labour happens in the first case. There are various complications related to this, and it can be both physically and emotionally exhausting for the mother.

However, if a mother experiences prolonged labour during the active phase of giving birth, then the doctor may look at the alternatives.

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What are the Causes Of Prolonged Labor?

There can be many reasons why you may experience this pain. During the active phase, this might happen if the baby is too big and there is a slow effacement of the cervix that can cause prolong labour time.

In some cases, the birth canal and pelvis may also be too small for normal delivery which can lead to this.

In rare cases, an unusually shaped pelvis or some other obstructions, like a tumour, can be there in the passage and this may result in prolonged labour.

In many cases, prolong labour pain happens when a woman is carrying twins or triplexes. Weak uterine contractions or incorrect position of the baby are some other reasons for prolonged labour.

How to deal with Prolonged Labour?

It is easy to deal with this condition in the initial days by just relaxing and waiting for the cervix to widen normally. Or you may also try walking, can go to sleep or soak in a warm bath. This really helps in relaxing and coping better.

If you are getting contractions infrequently because of any medication, then just wait for the effect of the drug to wear off. Meanwhile, you can also try changing positions too. Try lying down on your other side, sit, squat, or stand. It may help.

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Is Cesarean Section A Solution?

A doctor may recommend a Cesarean section most of the time if labour is delayed in the active phase. This is especially necessary if the baby’s position is wrong or if the head is too big to fit through the pelvis as it can be dangerous for the baby. A C-section is therefore very necessary in such cases to provide relief to the mother and also crucial for avoiding birth complications and injury to the child.

Risk Factors

• Obesity is the main risk factor involved in prolonged labour. It can also lead to other problems as well like gestational diabetes or pregnancy hypertension, which may increase the size of the baby.

• Some mothers who are too skinny may also experience this. That is the reason why proper nutrition is so essential during pregnancy.

• Other risk factors can be involved with the age, as it plays a big role here. So, an older woman is more likely to experience this than a woman in her 20s.

• One of the major risk factors is a decrease in muscle mass. Many women do not exercise regularly during pregnancy. This leads to a decrease in muscle mass, which in turn result in reduced strength and increases the risk of slow or prolonged labour.

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