Monsoon Diet Tips: How To Stay Healthy And Avoid Stomach Infections During Rainy Season

Union Health Ministry of India is stepping up its efforts to mitigate health risks posed by the changing climate.

Union Health Ministry of India is stepping up its efforts to mitigate health risks posed by the changing climate.

The monsoon season brings with it a craving for popular street foods like pakoras, samosas, and chaats. The arrival of rain showers fills us with joy and tempts us to indulge in these delicious snacks. However, it’s important to be cautious as this season is known for an increase in gut-related infections that can cause mild to severe gastrointestinal problems. The proliferation of bacteria and viruses during this time can lead to symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, and constipation. While most of these infections resolve on their own, it’s advisable to take certain precautions and make smart dietary choices for a speedy recovery.

Stomach infections during the monsoon season are usually caused by the contamination of food or water with bacteria or viruses. Fortunately, these infections are usually self-limiting, and individuals typically recover within a few days. The water supply is particularly susceptible to contamination during this season.

Common Symptoms of Stomach Infections During Monsoon:

Fever accompanied by chills lasting 1-2 days, abdominal cramps, and diarrhoea are common symptoms experienced in most cases of stomach infections. However, these infections rarely become severe.

Dietary Do’s and Don’ts for the Monsoon Season:

DO practice good hand hygiene to reduce the risk of infections.

DON’T consume seafood as the water is often contaminated during the monsoon, which can make you susceptible to cholera or diarrhoea.

DON’T consume cut fruits from roadside vendors as they may be contaminated with bacteria.

DON’T consume green leafy vegetables, as they may harbour germs. Instead, opt for lighter foods that are easy to digest and gut-friendly.

DO include ginger and lemon in your diet as they can help boost digestion and strengthen your immune system.

DO consume probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt or buttermilk, as they contain beneficial bacteria that support your digestive system and immune function.

DO stay adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This helps flush out toxins from your body and improves digestion.

DO opt for steamed or boiled vegetables instead of raw ones to reduce the risk of infection. Raw vegetables may harbour bacteria and viruses that can worsen gut health.

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DON’T consume refined sugar, as it can cause inflammation and disrupt the balance of gut flora.

DON’T indulge in fried and oily foods, as they can contribute to acidity and bloating.

By following these guidelines and making informed dietary choices, you can enjoy a healthy monsoon season while minimizing the risk of stomach infections and related complications.

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