PCOS Awareness Month 2020: What You Should Do While Following PCOS Diet

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder, which is common amongst women. Majority of women suffer from it due to lack of awareness. Though there is no cure for PCOS, it can be managed by adopting a clean and holistic lifestyle.

Obesity is a common factor in women with PCOS, and according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information study; women with this condition are usually reported to be overweight or obese.

We will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to mitigate PCOS.

  1. Get a balanced diet

To manage PCOS, you should eat a well-balanced diet. In this condition, bodies resist insulin, so you should ensure that you consume a protein-rich diet. Eat healthy sources of protein such as tofu, beans, seeds, lentils, nuts, etc. which do not increase the level of cholesterol in the body. You can even steer clear of simple carbs and select complex carbs such as whole grains and low glycemic foods such as whole wheat, whole oats, brown rice or even quinoa. These foods are enriched with fibre and help sustain insulin resistance which is a major contributor to PCOS. In addition, consume at least 1-2 servings of whole fruits and vegetables daily.

  1. Ditch dairy

Women having PCOS should avoid consuming milk and milk products as they to trigger insulin and testosterone levels in the body which can cause serious bouts of acne. Also, drinking coffee is a big No for women with PCOS. Coffee worsens PCOS by catalyzing estrogen production during menstruation which results in hormonal imbalance.

  1. Alternative Medicine

To manage PCOS and for overall health, eat plant-based foods. You can try ashwagandha and tulsi, which helps in correcting irregular menstrual cycles, blood sugar, infertility, obesity, and weight gain by decreasing the cortisol levels in the body.

Drink green tea, which helps in lowering the inflammation in the body. In addition, you can have cinnamon which regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces insulin resistance. You can also take curcumin, an active pigment in turmeric that is highly anti-inflammatory and also improves insulin resistance

  1. Perform Exercise

Exercise should be an important part of your lifestyle. Make sure that you are working out at least half an hour every day. Exercise not only set your mood for the rest of the day but also helps in managing insulin resistance. Reducing weight enhances your metabolism and keeps the body healthy.


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