Skin Care Solutions For Pregnant Women


Dr Rinky Kapoor, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a women’s life. As her body gets ready to nurture and welcome the new life in the world the, the skin, hair and even the mood changes rapidly. Some women hardly notice any change in their skin or hair throughout the pregnancy but for most women dark circles, pigmentation, chapped lips, dull skin, brown patches on the skin, stretch marks, acne, spider veins, varicose veins, cracked heels, changes in nail and hair growth are very common problems.  In some cases, women also experience itchy skin and small red bumps on the skin around the abdomen and thigs.

Every woman body reacts differently to the change in hormones that occur during and post-pregnancy. Some exercise faster growth in nails and in some the nails grow brittle and break while on the other hand, some women notice thicker hair growth around their abdomen, thighs, hands and legs. Most of these problems are temporary and they go away after a few months of delivery, but while they are there they can be uncomfortable and cause irritation and stress, which is not good for the baby.

Before pregnancy booking, a high-end dermatology treatment would have been the perfect solution for getting rid of the problems, however during pregnancy using chemicals on the skin and hair and even ingesting them is not advised. The best way is to go to a good dermatologist and follow the skin and hair care advice they give and embrace the natural remedies.

Eat and drink right

Before we talk about some common treatments and home remedies for skin and hair, the first thing to be on the top of your schedule should be to eat and drink right. Include lots of green vegetables, fruits, healthy grains, nuts in your diet. Drink at least eight glasses of water and cut down on caffeine such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol. The diet requirements of your body will change as the pregnancy progresses and therefore work closely with your obstetrician and understand what to eat and what to avoid. Weight gain is normal during pregnancy but it should be a gradual gain.

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Skincare during pregnancy

Being vigilant about skincare during pregnancy will help you get rid of the dark spots, spider veins, stretch marks and acne and acne marks more quickly post-pregnancy. Here is what you can do

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Pregnancy is times to relax, destress and enjoy the little wonders of life.  By keeping a regular and healthy routine, you will be making it easier for yourself doing the post-pregnancy time too.

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