Sun Safety: Shielding Against Sunstroke
Summer’s arrival brings joy to children, but it’s crucial to guard them against sunstroke. This condition arises from excessive sun exposure, causing dangerously high body temperatures. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat, nausea, and disorientation. Remember, sunstroke can lead to unconsciousness. To protect your kids, opt for outdoor activities during cooler hours, ensure shade, and prioritize hydration. Don’t forget to carry water bottles whenever stepping out.
Beat Dehydration: Hydration is Key
Dehydration poses a risk as kids lose substantial fluids through sweating in the summer heat. Combat this by promoting water intake and opting for fresh fruits over sugary beverages. Adequate hydration supports normal body functioning and helps prevent heat-related health issues.
Otitis Externa Awareness: Swimmer’s Ear
Swimming is a favorite summer activity, but be cautious about otitis externa or swimmer’s ear. Itchy, painful ears with discharge are signs of this condition, caused by bacterial overgrowth due to water trapped in the ear. Prevent it by using earplugs and avoiding swimming in non-disinfected waters.