These 5 Breakfasts Can Be A Health Way To Kickstart Day For Kids

healthy breakfast

Overnight oats can be the best option for your kids. Prepare it one night before and add fruit toppings as per the choice of your kids to make it delicious.

Breakfast is an Important Meal of the Day as it Replenishes the Blood Sugar Providing Energy to Start the Day

We all need a balanced diet in order to be active throughout the day. While people of all ages need to take care of their diet, children and the elderly need some extra care. When it comes to children, providing proper breakfast is very important as they are most picky eaters. In order to make sure that they get all nutrition and vitamins, we must start the day with a healthy breakfast. Here are some breakfast ideas for kids to kickstart their day.

Here are some Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Kids


Overnight oats can be the best option for your kids. Prepare it one night before and add fruit toppings as per the choice of your kids to make it delicious. Bananas, cherries or even dry fruits like almonds and pistachios can be good options.

Egg-based breakfast:

Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and nutrients and therefore can be a nice breakfast for kids. Egg protein is also known to aid the growth of muscles and tissues in kids. There are different ways in which eggs can be served – omelette, egg sandwiches, hard-boiled and others.

Green veggies:

Leafy green vegetables are a must. Vegetables like spinach cabbage or capsicum can be served to kids in different ways. Just make sure that don’t overcook veggies as they can lose nutrients.

Fruits with yogurt:

Fresh fruits, especially in winter, are very important. Oranges, berries and pomegranates are good sources of vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. You can add some yogurt to make it tastier.


It is a good source of protein, minerals, zinc, iron and carb. Also, upma keeps the tummy full for a longer duration. Green veggies can be added to increase the nutritive value of the food.

Also Read:- 7 Healthy Foods You Should Have In Your Fridge At All Times
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