This Is How You Can Prevent, Treat Dandruff This Winter

Dr Ritika Dhingra, Founder at The luxe clinique

Winter is here, an this is the time of year when people are most afraid of dandruff and itchy scalp. Due to cold weather and warm showers, it is optimum during the winters. Dandruff affects the hair of the roots, making it faint, resulting in split ends and a fall of hair.

Dandruff dries the roots completely and triggers blandness. It is very necessary that you moisturize your hair during the cold season. The key causes of dandruff are overheated baths, rare hair bubbles, cold air and no moisture.

Dr Ritika Dhingra, Founder at The luxe clinique, shares tips on how to treat dandruff during the cold weather with the readers of the HealthWire.

What factors are responsible for dandruff in winter?

How To Treat Dandruff This Winter

What are the right hair care home remedies one can use to prevent and treat dandruff during the winter?

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Is it true that oily foods and too much sugar in diet cause dandruff?

Too much oil on the scalp is the cause of dandruff, which causes skin cells to build up and then shed. Sometimes, a fungus that lives on your scalp called Malassezia causes dandruff as it causes skin cells to grow faster than normal. Some individuals may have too much of this fungus on their scalp, which may contribute to dandruff.

There are foods that can induce a dandruff flare-up, while foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, zinc and biotin can help retain the right scalp and healthy hair. We have described some foods below that should be avoided to prevent or minimize dandruff.

In determining our scalp health, diet plays a significant role. Opt for food rich in probiotics (a fermented food) such as kanji, idli, dhokla, yoghurt, home-made pickles. Your diet includes fish, flaxseeds and walnuts. Include garlic, onions and scallions in your diet which contain allicin. Allicin is an antibacterial compound and helps fight dandruff.

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What are the lifestyle changes one can do to fight dandruff and when to see a dermatologist?

Few lifestyle changes can help you avoid dandruff flare-ups, but the truth is that dandruff is a chronic condition that doesn’t have a true ‘cure.’ Nevertheless, anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners may help prevent dandruff from reappearing, with active ingredients that protect your scalp from dandruff triggers between washes.

So the key is to always keep your scalp and hair clean. Also, take a healthy diet, use anti-dandruff products, change pillow cover regularly. See a dermatologist for dandruff that does not respond to dandruff shampoo or other treatments.

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