Weight Loss Tips: Top 10 Ways To Lose Weight

-Himanshu Rai, Chief Dietitian and Nutritionist at Think You

The most tricky part of a weight loss journey is to make you mind up to where to begin. There is so much information available online that people often find it difficult to differentiate between right and wrong. Every other day a brand new diet trend and supplement emerge promising quick weight loss results. The reality is weight loss could be a slow journey and to lose weight healthily, you need to vary your lifestyle habits together with your diet and workout routine. This will help you shed kilos, improve your overall health and keep chronic diseases cornered.

Studies suggest that people who eat quickly tend to weigh more than those who don’t. Data suggest that fast eaters are 115 percent more likely to be obese as compared to those that eat slowly and revel in every bite of their meal. Besides, regularly eating at a faster speed may cause weight gain over it slow. As per the findings of a study carried out on over 4,000 middle-aged adults, it has been revealed that men who tend to finish their meal faster gain the foremost bodyweight till the time they hit the mark of 20.

Eating slowly helps you lose weight in several ways. First of all, it promotes fullness, a hint which is often missed when eating hurriedly gulping down the food. There are high chances of overeating when you try to finish your meal fast. That’s because our stomach does not get enough time to send the signal to the brain when it is full. Secondly, chewing food thoroughly before swallowing helps you reduce calorie intake and lose weight. The findings of several studies have found that people with weight problems do not chew their food properly as compared to others. Going by the numbers, an average calorie intake is decreased by 9.5 percent when people chewed 1.5 times more than normal and nearly 15 percent when they chewed twice as much as usual.

World Health Organization (WHO) suggests overweight/ obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation. It is also a most common nutritional disorder, which occurs due to excess intake of oily and sugary foods. Clinically 20% more or above the ideal body weight would be considered as Obesity and 10-20% above the ideal body weight would be considered as Overweight.

Generally, it happens that every morning we wake up with a resolution that we would not touch oily or sugary foods today, but as soon as the day passes, we start losing control. We make ourselves understand that come-on dude today is the last day and tomorrow onwards I will follow things recommended by my Dietitian. Sadly that tomorrow does not come.

So, losing weight is not rocket science, but it is a combination of logic, discipline and little experiment with our diet. There are some manageable easy ways to lose that extra body weight.

Here the 10 most important tips to lose weight effectively and keep it off:

  1. Every day try to eat 6-8 small meals instead of having a big meal at one go.
  2. Substitute your oily and creamy snacks with seasonal fruits and a mixture of roasted chana, peanuts and some dry fruits such as almonds. Avoid processed and junk foods.
  3. Try to eliminate sugar from your tea, coffee and if it is possible try green tea/green coffee bean every day, these will help in improving energy and fat-burning phenomenon.
  4. Try buttermilk, Coconut water or lemon water instead of sugary beverages.
  5. Limit your oil intake to 3-4 teaspoons a day. Limit your salt intake.
  6. Eat dinner every day 3-4 hrs before bedtime.
  7. Choose Dal without tadka, sprouts, skimmed milk products and fish.
  8. Drink 12-13 glasses of water everyday·
  9. Indulge in some kind of physical activity for 1-2 hrs, it could be cycling, jogging, swimming or your favourite outdoor sport.
  10. Talk to your Dietitian regularly and yes once in a while you can eat your lovely chocolates, gorgeous pastries and mouth-watering Desserts too, but in a limited amount.

Apart from this don’t expect to lose a lot of weight by ramping up physical activity alone. While exercise is hugely important for overall health, how much and what you eat has a much bigger impact on your waistline.

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