Healthy Gut Diet Tips: 5 Foods You Must Avoid Eating At Night As Per Ayurveda

Regarded as an ancient Indian wellness doctrine, Ayurveda underscores the vitality of keeping your digestive tract balanced for a sound health. Ayurvedic wisdom claims that our dietary choices considerably impact our overall health and wellness, casting not just physical effects but also influencing our mental and emotional wellbeing.

What Happens When You Eat Late Night As Per Ayurveda?

Ayurveda teaches that eating specific foods at night can upset our body’s natural balance and cause digestive troubles. Having a hefty meal or incompatible foods before hitting the bed can interfere with the body’s digestion and nutrient absorption process, leading to unease, bloating, and other digestion-related issues.

What Foods Should You Avoid At Night?

Here is a list of foods that you must avoid eating at night:

Dairy Products

Ayurveda advises against dairy products at night, arguing they are heavy and challenging to digest, especially when taken right before sleep. They can also promote toxic build-up and disrupt the natural detoxification process that takes place during sleep.

Deep-fried and Fatty Foods

Saying no to fried or fat-rich foods at night is wise as they can strain the digestive system and breed indigestion. Such foods can also aggravate the Pitta dosha, leading to inflammation and acidity.

Chilled Drinks

As per Ayurveda, having cold drinks, particularly at meal times or pre-bedtime, can hamper your digestion. These drinks can throw the digestive process off balance, lowering metabolism and creating digestive mishaps.

Uncooked Foods

Despite raw foods’ health benefits, Ayurvedic wisdom cautions against having them at night. Raw food items are more difficult to digest than cooked ones and can lead to bloating, gas, and discomfort when eaten late at night.

Caffeine and Stimulants

Keeping clear of caffeine and stimulants at night is central to promoting soft slumber and maintaining a healthy digestion. Caffeine can upset your natural sleep cycle and interfere with nighttime detoxification and rejuvenation.

Choosing mindfully what to consume before sleep can help you navigate towards better digestion, undisturbed sleep, and a healthier gut in harmony with Ayurvedic truths.

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