Non-coffee Drinkers With Sedentary Lifestyle At 60% Higher Risk Of Dying: Study

Is coffee beneficial for health? The answer to this question is not similar for everyone. According to new research, a cup of coffee can add many years to your life. If you work for hours while sitting, then incorporating a regular cup of coffee into your daily routine can prove to be nectar for you. Non-coffee drinkers who sit for six hours or more a day have a 60 percent higher risk of death than those who drink coffee and sit for 6 hours.

This claim has been made in research published in a journal called Biomed Central (BMC) Public Health. The study was conducted in the US on more than 10,000 adults for up to 13 years by researchers from the Medical College of Soochow University’s School of Public Health in China. They found an increased risk of dying for sedentary non-coffee drinkers. This risk is reduced to a great extent in those who drink coffee. Researchers also found that in people who are working sitting for at least 6 hours a day but are drinking coffee, the risk of death was found to be 24 percent less in such people.

Key Findings

Researchers from top institutions explored the links between coffee drinking, physical activity, and death rates. They found that not drinking coffee and having a sedentary lifestyle notably increases the risk of dying early.

Sedentary Lifestyle

People who are mostly inactive face greater health risks. Lack of physical activity harms not just physical health but mental health as well.

Not Drinking Coffee

This study’s results suggest that moderate coffee drinking might have health benefits. Coffee could improve cognitive function, lower the risk of certain diseases, and help people live longer.

The findings stress the need to stay active and make wise dietary choices. Understanding the risks of inactivity and not drinking coffee can help people make better health decisions.

Lifestyle Changes

For those who don’t drink coffee and lead inactive lives, it’s time to rethink these habits. Simple steps like being more active and considering moderate coffee drinking can greatly benefit health.

The study shows that non-coffee drinkers with sedentary lifestyles face a higher risk of dying sooner. Making active lifestyle choices, eating well, and understanding potential coffee benefits can help improve overall health and longevity.

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