Artificial Intelligence Can Now Help Detect Lung Cancer

cancer artificial intelligence

In order to study the actual effect of artificial intelligence in clinical practice, researchers included over 10,000 patients.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming Healthcare States a Study Published in The Journal Radiology 

From ChatGPT answering all your questions to helping in food production, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming a number of industries. Now it seems that AI can help the health industry in detecting some serious diseases. According to researchers, AI can significantly improve the detection of lung cancer.

A group of researchers evaluated the effect of AI-based software in real clinical practice and they reached the conclusion that AI can help detect lung nodules much earlier.

Lung nodules are one of the most common and typically form from previous lung infections. However, in rare instances, lung nodules can be a sign of lung cancer. The study has been published in the journal Radiology.

AI Plays a Significant Role in Medical Diagnosis

Chest X-rays have been one of the primary screening methods for identifying lung nodules. Researchers feel that AI can be a powerful tool in detecting lung nodules. This can be really helpful when radiologists are experiencing a high volume of cases.

“Detecting lung nodules, a primary finding of lung cancer, is one of the crucial tasks in chest X-rays,” said Jin Mo Goo, M.D., PhD, from the Department of Radiology at Seoul National University Hospital in Korea. Jin Mo is also the co-author of the study.

“There are several studies that have indicated that Artificial Intelligence-based computer-aided detection software can really improve the performance of radiologists, but it is not widely used,” Jin Mo added.

Early Diagnosis has Best Chance of Successful Treatment

In order to study the actual effect of artificial intelligence in clinical practice, researchers included over 10,000 patients. These patients had an average age of 59 years. They underwent chest X-rays at a health screening centre between June 2020 and December 2021.

“Our study provided strong evidence that AI could really help in interpreting chest radiography. This will contribute to identifying chest diseases, especially lung cancer, more effectively at an earlier stage,” Dr Goo said.

You can also read: – World Lung Cancer Day: Is Passive Smoking Prominent Cause Of Lung Cancer?

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