Doctor’s Flashcards Help Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients Around The World

A coronavirus patient’s “terrifying” hospital experience inspired an NHS doctor to create a new flashcard system to improve communication with medical staff wearing face masks.

Anaesthetist Rachael Grimaldi founded Cardmedic while on maternity leave after reading about a Covid-19 patient who was unable to understand healthcare workers through their personal protective equipment (PPE).

Her system enables medical staff to ask critically ill or deaf coronavirus patients important questions and share vital information on pre-written digital flashcards displayed on a phone, tablet or computer.

The communication cards are free to download on Cardmedic’s website, and have already been accessed by more than 8,000 users.

Cardmedic, which is also now available on a mobile phone app, is already being used in hospitals across the UK, Africa, Asia, and the United States.

Dr Grimaldi was supported by the Department for International Trade, which provided her with a dedicated trade adviser and helped connect her to local businesses in Brighton.

International Trade Secretary Liz Truss said: “Cardmedic is one of the many businesses working hard to support our NHS at a crucial time, and I am proud to see them already making a global impact and helping save lives.

“This is a truly innovative product that could change the future of the healthcare industry and be widely applied across the world long after the pandemic.”

Dr Grimaldi said work was under way to provide the Cardmedic service in 30 different languages.

The business is also developing an app which will include illustrations and videos for British Sign Language, as well as creating downloadable PDF versions for healthcare professionals to print, laminate, write on, wipe-off and reuse.

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