Pregnancy In The Time Of Covid-19: The Biggest Emotional Challenge For Expecting And New Parents Is Anxiety

Amidst the pandemic, ‘pregnancy’ and ‘parenting’ rank high among the topics that are most researched and talked about. At this time, when everyone wants to avoid doctors and hospitals, being pregnant is challenging.

Pregnant women have to navigate appointments, hormones, sonograms, sickness and cravings. They also have to organise medication in these times, testing their patience.

The biggest emotional challenge for expecting and new parents is anxiety. Do some of the following steps to take care of nerves and stress during pregnancy and post-delivery:

As the world is struggling, some of the responses that have emerged are-breakdowns, transformation and strengthening of attitude, repairing any healing relationships, some are responding positively or negatively to therapy, and some cases have made very little progress.

Welcoming a baby into this world is a joyful thing, but it comes with its rollercoaster ride, with or without a lurking virus. Make the most of your pregnancy, by having a robust and meaningful purpose and being healthy and safe.


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