The benefits of lemon water, also known as Nimbu Pani, have become something of a buzzword of late, particularly when drunk on an empty stomach. In the lines to come, you’ll find a list of seven persuasive arguments for making lemon water an indispensable part of your everyday life in order to recover from kidney damage.
Rich In Vitamin C
A key attribute making lemon water great for kidneys is its generous Vitamin C content. Vitamin C packs a punch with its antioxidant qualities, helping lower inflammation and oxidative tension in the kidneys, thereby fostering improved performance of the kidneys.
Helps Maintain Body’s pH Balance
The great thing about lemon water is its capacity to form an alkaline environment once inside the body, effectively helping maintain the body’s pH balance. This ability to generate an alkaline state lowers the possibility of kidney stone formation and aids the kidneys in efficiently collecting and eliminating bodily waste and toxins.
Helps Flush Out Toxins
Another great reason to start your day with a glass of warm lemon water is hydration. This stands critical to maintenance of the kidneys, and lemon water does wonders in supplementing hydration. This detox drink helps in pushing urine production and facilitating detoxification; both crucial elements for effective kidney function.
Fights Inflammation
Long-term inflammation can lead to kidney-related issues and complications. With its anti-inflammatory attributes, lemon water fights inflammation within the kidneys, potentially mitigating kidney damage progression and ensuring overall kidney health.
Helps In Digestion
Proper elimination of waste and toxins via digestion lessens the weight being borne by the kidneys. Having a glass of luke warm lemon water helps in digestion and encourages healthy bowel movements, thereby ensuring a healthy digestive system which, although indirectly, benefits kidney function.