Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Marginalized Communities

Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Marginalized Communities

Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Marginalized Communities

Addressing Marginalized Workers Needs

Amidst the challenges faced by marginalized workers, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) emerged as a beacon of hope. India, pioneering this approach in 2014, aimed to uplift underprivileged sections, eradicate poverty, and advance societal growth. But has CSR truly realized its potential? This question took center stage at the HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SUMMIT AND AWARDS 2022 organized by HealthWire.

Insights from Esteemed Panelists

Distinguished personalities, including Dr. Shubhank Singh (Center Head Medanta Mediclinic Delhi at Medanta), Chirag Barjatya (Founder of ProjectFitCom and fitness coach), and senior journalist SK Mishra (Editor of Weekly Environmental Newspaper – Enviro Annotations), lent their insights to the panel discussion on ‘Importance of giving back to society under CSR’.

Assessing CSR’s Impact

Moderator Dr. Yash Gulati initiated a thought-provoking discussion by questioning whether the CSR initiatives have truly enriched society or if more is needed to uplift marginalized segments effectively.

Delicate Evaluation of CSR’s Role

Dr. Shubhank Singh expressed that gauging the adequacy of CSR contributions goes beyond numerical metrics. The determination of whether these efforts are sufficient is a complex, introspective endeavor.

Empowering Through CSR

Dr. Singh commended the legal compulsion of CSR, as it has compelled companies to contribute to societal well-being. He stressed the importance of CSR initiatives that extend beyond a company’s core activities.

Individual Contributions Matter

Chirag Barjatya exemplified how diverse entities can contribute to societal welfare. His fitness-oriented enterprise provided free diet plans during the pandemic, supporting individuals facing lifestyle-related challenges.

Promoting Health and Voluntary Engagement

Barjatya emphasized the significance of health in bolstering employee productivity and offered simple yet impactful strategies, like encouraging employees to achieve specific daily step counts.

Voluntary Engagement for Societal Betterment

SK Mishra emphasized the importance of voluntary engagement in endeavors like Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER). He highlighted the need for heartfelt actions beyond CSR for genuine societal progress.

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