Why It Is Not Good To Drink Water Before Going To Bed?


We all know need water to survive and 60 per cent of our body is made of water. We have always been advised to drink plenty of water as it is present in every cell, tissue, and organ. Water helps to maintain the temperature of our body, flushes out toxins, assists body cells to grown, and lubricates our joints.

You can weak, have headaches or other health concerns if you won’t drink enough water throughout the day. However, there’s a particular time when you should avoid drinking. It may sound a little weird because so far we have been drinking it whenever we felt thirsty.

But the only time when you need to avoid drinking water is right before going to bed. This is the only time of the day when you should try to avoid drinking water if you can. The reason behind this is quite logical.

Drinking water just before sleeping can disturb your sleep cycle because it will increase your rounds to the washroom at night for urination. Generally, urine output decrease when sleep during the night and this allows us to have a good sleep of five to seven hours. But having a glass or two of water before bedtime might have the urge to pee multiple times at night.

This can disrupt your sleep and which can ultimately lead to irritation, mood swing, high blood pressure, lack of concentration during the following day. Also, some study suggests that people above the age of 45 are more prone to a stroke if they sleep less than six hours a day.

You should keep in mind that drinking one or two glass of water after dinner is good for health in multiple ways. There is nothing better than drinking a warm glass of water after having a heavy meal. It accelerates the digestion process and helps in constipation related problems.

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