Want To Boost Brain Power In Your 40s? Here’s What You Need To Do

brain health

Those who engaged in the more high-intensity exercise had a 1.31 per cent improvement in their cognition.

Regular Exercise not Only Controls your Weight, it can Also Boost Your Brain Power.

Exercise is good for each one of us in improving physical fitness. But this can also boost your brain power, especially if you are in your 40s. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health recently published a study that suggests how doing exercise in your 40 may enhance your brain’s capacity. The study said that the capacity of the brain of such people to process and remember knowledge enhances when compared to those who don’t move much.

London-based researchers said that middle-aged people should engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Those who do so score higher on cognitive tests. On the other hand, those who spend a lot of time sitting seem to have less mental capacity.

Benefits of Exercise in Mid-Life

Earlier studies to examine the benefits of exercise in midlife too found a connection to better cognitive health.

However, these studies did not try to find out other probable factors behind the increased brain power. They did not include the number of hours a person spends sleeping and other such factors.

According to the latest study, moderate to high-intensity exercise enhances cognition. This is particularly for the areas of the brain that are responsible for working memory, planning and organizing.

Research was conducted on 4,500 People. 

Around 4,500 individuals from United Kingdom were part of the study. They were born in the 1970s and are now 46 to 47 years old. They were required to share a thorough update on their health and lifestyle from 2016 to 2018.

Their daily activity was tracked using an activity monitor for at least 10 hours per day and this went on for at least a week.

Those who were part of the study went through a series of cognitive tests. These tests were done to evaluate their verbal memory and executive function in order to explore their cognition.

The study’s author found that those who performed better were more active physically and less sedentary. Those who engaged in the more high-intensity exercise had a 1.31 per cent improvement in their cognition. Those who switched to active exercise from their passive lifestyle had a 1.27 per cent improvement in cognitive function.

Also Read: – Intense Exercise While Dieting May Curb Cravings For Fatty Food
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