Fertility Experts Advocate Timely Communication and Medical Interventions for Conception

Fertility Experts Advocate Timely Communication and Medical Interventions for Conception

Fertility Experts Advocate Timely Communication and Medical Interventions for Conception

Cloud nine Panel Discussion Highlights the Importance of Addressing Fertility Issues

Gurgaon, India – A panel discussion titled “Let’s make fertility easier” was organized by leading fertility experts from Cloud nine, India’s premium birthing center, ahead of World IVF Day 2022. The discussion focused on the need for timely communication and medical interventions when planning a conception, aiming to raise awareness about fertility-related challenges among couples in Gurgaon.

Alarming Statistics on Fertility Issues

According to unpublished data from Cloud nine, one in seven couples trying to conceive face fertility-related issues. After a year of attempting conception, 15 percent of couples are unable to achieve pregnancy, while 10 percent still struggle after two years. These statistics highlight the importance of addressing fertility issues and seeking appropriate support.

Expert Insights on Declining Fertility Rates

Dr. Priya Varshney, Senior Consultant in Fertility at Cloud nine, emphasized that while fertility struggles have existed in every generation, declining fertility rates can be attributed to a range of social and medical factors. Factors such as age, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences significantly impact the childbearing process, underscoring the need for timely interventions.

The Role of Communication and Timely Fertility Checks

Dr. Varshney stressed the importance of open communication between couples when it comes to planning a conception. Couples should consider fertility checks if they are considering deferring or delaying pregnancy. Early communication with a fertility specialist is crucial to assess the need for medical interventions. It is essential to recognize that fertility is not solely a women’s issue, as it can impact both partners if not addressed in a timely manner.

Dr. Divya Sardana, Senior Consultant in Fertility at Cloud nine, discussed shifting trends contributing to delayed pregnancies. Late marriages, career advancements, and changing lifestyles have led to more couples planning conception at an older age. However, factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyles, and environmental pollution have adversely affected ovarian reserve and sperm quality, further complicating fertility challenges.

Addressing Infertility Concerns and Seeking Help

Dr. Pratibha Mailk, Senior Fertility Specialist at Cloud nine, highlighted the importance of seeking help in a timely manner. While assisted reproductive techniques like IVF can be effective for couples unable to conceive naturally, they cannot overcome the limitations of older eggs. Age-related factors, such as poorer egg quality and increased risk of conditions like endometriosis and fibroids, further hinder fertility. Various lifestyle factors, including irregular sleep patterns, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and poor dietary choices, contribute to ovulation dysfunction and reduced sperm quality.

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